Kamila Z
Self Introduction
Kamila is Miss Carelessness and Miss Clever Girl.
SEEMORE Platform 宗旨是為小朋友提供多樣化的演出機會,讓每位小朋友能學以致用、增加歷練,展現優雅專業的一面。
She is engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and studies at school of arts.
Finished model school @grandmodel.
At the age of 3, she became “ Miss Carelessness”
According to the magazine Gucci-kids is recognized as one of the 100 most beautiful children in Russia
at the age of 4, she became “ Miss Clever Girl ”
Took part in advertising shows and photo shoots gloriajeans, pelican_kids_voronezh_grad fashion_rabbit_baby_clothes, KIABI, Mikael the elephant, etc.
Lovely and smart caucasian kids model