Kaden M

Self Introduction
大家好,我叫Kaden。我中文名叫鄒栢浩. 今年三歲. 我係中美混血兒
SEEMORE Platform 宗旨是為小朋友提供多樣化的演出機會,讓每位小朋友能學以致用、增加歷練,展現優雅專業的一面。
Hello!My name is Kaden. I’m 3 years old and I’m from Hong Kong & USA.
I understand English and Cantonese. I speak English better, but my Cantonese is improving day by day. 😊
I have had experiences on a couple of TV commercials and print ads. I can smile in front of the camera and I take instructions pretty well.
I love swimming (because I have a funny coach) and I also love drawing (more on coloring).
Hope to see you soon!
大家好!我叫Kaden.我中文名叫鄒栢浩. 今年三歲. 我係中美混血兒. 我聽同講英文叻啲,但我嘅廣東話一日比一日好。😊
我曾經拍過電視廣告同埋一啲硬照. 我識對住鏡頭笑,亦都識聽指令.
我鍾意游水(因為我有一個好搞笑嘅教練)我亦都鍾意畫畫. 希望有機會見啦!

Kids model : Kaden M